Bill Sullivan Enterprises
Bill Sullivan Enterprises is a social impact strategy firm that works with nonprofit, business and government entities to solve complex social and institutional problems that result in reduced poverty and empowered lives, as well as increased business outcomes.
Our methods for success include designing social innovations, advancing entrepreneurial opportunities and developing strong corporate and social partnerships. The creative modification or reengineering of social systems are often approached with investment strategies in mind that will benefit the organization as well as those being served.
“Courageous thinking” is the hallmark of the BSE strategies and collaborations that result in creative approaches to addressing problems related to social and economic inequality.
Bill Sullivan Enterprises convenes designers, researchers, entrepreneurs and innovators to form The Courage Collective.
Michigan Nonprofit Association
The Michigan Nonprofit Association is a statewide membership organization dedicated to serving the diverse nonprofit sector through civic engagement, capacity-building, data and technology, training, and advocacy. MNA manages multiple programs and affiliates including Highway T, The LEAGUE Michigan, Michigan Campus Compact, Mentoring to Access Corps, and AmeriCorps VISTA.
Membership of MNA is open to all Michigan nonprofit/tax exempt organizations. For-profit businesses and government entities may join as affiliate members.
MNA’s mission is to serve nonprofits to advance their missions. Their vision is that Michigan’s nonprofit sector will be a vital leader in building and sustaining thriving communities. MNA values collaboration, diversity and inclusion, excellence, integrity and leadership.
Project Breaker, Inc.
Critical thinking. Collaboration. Communication. The demands of the 21st century call on all of us to reframe how we learn, how we teach, and how we work. There is a profound disconnect between what and how students are taught in school today, versus what the world requires of them and what motivates them to think and perform innovatively. Breaker teaches students and educators how to design and implement solutions to real-world problems. They build local, national, and global challenges to introduce participants to a design process that lends immediacy and relevancy to learning. Participants exit Breaker with new skills and abilities; products, services, and systems result from Breaker ready for impact.
Founder and TED Senior Fellow, Dr. Juliette LaMontagne began testing the Breaker model in collaboration with Stanford University’s in 2011. Since that time, Juliette and Team Breaker have ran challenges in New York, Newark, Detroit, Portland, and Boise to foster innovation.